
Tokyo Tower


Hello and thank you for visiting my portfolio, My name is Joseph Meagalli but most people just call me Joe. I was born in New Zealand but resettled here in Australia when i was young so now i call Australia home. A little about myself, I am originally from a contruction/labour background but have been studying in the IT field in the last few years. I have always enjoyed the IT industry since i was a young lad. One of my hobbies is travelling and one of my favourite places to travel to is Japan or in their language they call it 'Nihon'. I have travelled to this homogeneous society a few times and each time there is always something new to do. My goal is to become a prominent front-end web developer within the Brisbane community. I have also been taking codecademy as well as freecodecamp online course when i have free time.

Tokyo City
Tokyo City


HTML,CSS,SCSS and Ruby are just some of the languages we have learnt at Coder Academy. Its a really interesting environment to learn in, coming from a background where i already have programming knowledge. I found ruby to be a bit difficult at first because i couldn't grasp it very well and i still trouble with it but it is getting easier. When i first started this course back in january we started using a language called ruby and by the 3rd or 4th week we had created a terminal app with ruby. We were in teams of two and my team created a recipe list for coffee. The ruby app was fun to create even though we were limited on how long we had. This time round we had a lot longer to work on this project and i found this assessment very interesting and it seemed to bring out my creative streak which i never knew i had. here is a link to me Will's Ruby Terminal I feel that the terminal app was quite well done and i enjoyed it. This portfolio i also enjoyed it too where i will also be adding more features later on as the technologies are learnt. Now That i have completed the MERN(MongoDB, Express, React, Nodejs) stack at coder academy and also completed an internship i guess you could me a full-fledged junior software developer haha. I have learnt so many things at coder academy and more is still come

html logo css icon ruby logo sass logo
Tokyo Downtown

If you would like to contact me for anything dont hesitate to contact me on social medias or email Click here to open default mail program